I was invited to Kappa Kappa Gamma's spring scholarship banquet by Rachel, who became my favorite student this year when I found out cheesecake would be served for dessert.
My experience with Greek organizations has been limited, despite spending 25 years of my life in the academic world as a student and faculty member. I first set foot in a fraternity house when I was a poor grad student in Missoula, Mont. A couple friends and I decided that it would be prudent to crash some rush parties so we could drink free booze. Even though we drank a lot of their free booze, we were not invited to join.
My next trip to a frat house was in Laramie when a student invited me to the old Farmhouse Fraternity for a few beers. This dump was right out of Animal House, interior design by Bluto Blutarsky. Populated by cowboys, hicks, farmers and assorted deviants, the Farmhouse was right up my alley, if I had been 20 years younger.
But to date, my only knowledge of sorority houses came from movies. There is the scene in Animal House when the peeping Bluto watches scantily clad coeds engaged in pillow fighting. Sorority girls also seem to be favorite targets in slasher flicks.
Sorry Bluto, but the scene at Kappa Kappa Gamma was very civilized. On Sorority Row, I walked into a beautiful, old, brick home populated by well-dressed young women. I was reminded of my grandparents' old house with its large rooms, high ceilings and tasteful furniture and decor. I drank punch and chatted in the game room with Rachel and Shannon, another student in my classes. Meanwhile, a sorority sister played piano in the background.
Dinner was in a formal dining room with waiters serving the food. I managed not to spill spaghetti sauce on my shirt and, as far as I know, committed no social or etiquette faux pas during the meal. Did I mention there was cheesecake?
After the main course, the sorority honored members for their academic achievements, including making the president's and dean's lists, and maintaining 4.0 GPAs. Rachel and Shannon were deservedly noted for their impressive work. As I mentioned early in the party, KKG must be "the smart girls' sorority."
So I had the wrong impression of sororities, due to media portrayals. Maybe I have the wrong idea about fraternities, too. I offer the challenge to any fraternity members who want to try to change my mind about them.
Just don't forget the cheesecake.
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